Weevils by the Mile-a-Minute, The Preserve Introduces a Biological Control

Weevils by the Mile-a-Minute The Preserve Introduces a Biological Control There are many invasive plants that the preserve team actively manages to maintain the native plant communities. This is done …

Descendants of Jackson Hollow Return with the Trout

Descendants of Jackson Hollow Return with the Trout Earlier this spring, the Bull Run Mountains Natural Area Preserve had two guests whose last visit was almost 50 years ago. Doug …

Sssssnake ssscience on the preserve with natural science fellow, Lauren Fuchs

2021-22 Natural Science Fellow Lauren Fuchs  has been hard at work sampling the skin microbiomes of BRMNAP’s resident snakes. We will be sharing the full results of her ambitious study …

Stream Restoration in Jackson Hollow Follow-Up: A Student-led Conservation Success Story!

Student partnerships have been a constant source of inspiration and hope for our staff here at VOF’s Preserve at Bull Fun Mountains. Back in 2019, industrious students form James Madison …

Uncovering the Preserve’s storied past: Volunteer Spotlight on Patrick O’Neill

If you have been fortunate enough to attend one of the VOF’s guided hikes, you likely heard some pretty amazing stories about the people that once called Bull Run Mountains …

Frogs, Lizards, and Snakes, Oh My! A BioBlitz with Herpetologist Lauren Fuchs

               One of the many benefits of BRMNAP’s Fellowship Program is the constant influx of experts in all manner of fields. This year’s Natural …