Positioned on the Northern face of our historic Thoroughfare Gap, our Lady gazes down upon the historic Spout Spring that has quenched the thirst of thousands of Mountain locals and passers-through long before the railroad was built.

Thoroughfare gap and the stream that helped make it over the millenia, Broad Run, has been a human travel corridor since the very first habitation by our First Nation’s people. Now filled with an active railroad, Route 55, and Route 66 – it remains a valuable and busy trade-and-travel corridor that connects our world and its people.
While graffiti is strictly prohibited here at VOF’s Preserve, we claim this painting as valuable and loved piece of community art. The truth is that it was put here long before this land holding became a state-designated Natural Area Preserve and it has provided a connection to the landscape and a token for the weary traveler – as it has been a celebrated marker to the observant passer-through.
With our Making History Our-story program, we aim to collect oral histories about our regions entire human past, so if you know anything about this painting or who made it – please do reach out and let us know! As we aim to preserve and share the full story of its creation, along with the preservation of the art itself!

Is that still there? I think I saw that years ago from a bus window, while traveling down I-66 West. That was back in the late 1990s, but I think I saw it a couple of times in the 2000s. I haven’t been able to see it lately though.
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