Mountain Valley Pipeline proposes route that avoids VOF easements

Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) LLC, recently filed a new route alternative for its proposed gas pipeline in southwestern Virginia that, if adopted, would avoid crossing all Virginia Outdoors Foundation easements.

MVP filed the proposed route, called the Mount Tabor Route Variation, with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on October 13. MVP’s previous proposed route would have crossed two VOF easements in Montgomery County.

“Our staff has been working with MVP for more than two years to identify impacts of their proposed route to our conservation lands, and we have consistently urged them to avoid crossing easements,” says VOF Executive Director Brett Glymph. “MVP has been receptive to our concerns, and this new route reflects what we consider to be an acknowledgement of the importance of our work to the Commonwealth.”

VOF has submitted its own comments to FERC applauding efforts to avoid easements and emphasizing that “We will continue to work with the company throughout the FERC process to keep avoidance as the preferred strategy.”

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